This trendbook informs and inspires companies and organizations on trends and the future. From researching and translating trends, using visuals, key color combinations, materials and keywords. From inspiration to insights and perspectives…
Technology is changing our identity, how we organize our lives. As more of our lives spent online, the meaning of reality and authenticity is increasingly called into question. It is merging our physical and online experiences. Our virtual identities will soon become our primary ones. Blended identities, poly-reality, hyper realities; real no longer trumps virtual. Crossing and transforming boundaries; morphing and mutating…
Mood / transitional phenomena, trendbook blendscape
Shape / transitional phenomena, trendbook blendscape
Material / transitional phenomena, trendbook blendscape
Pattern / transitional phenomena, trendbook blendscape
Color / transitional phenomena, trendbook blendscape
Pattern ‘ phenomenal hallucination’ / trendbook blendscape
Hyper reality, morphing and mutating…
Studio Ho, Parklaan 8, 2011 KV
Haarlem, The Netherlands
Mobile phone Studio Ho
+ (31) 06 54977949
E-mail address Studio Ho